Notification new investment loan — BREF

Notification new investment loan

On the basis of Art. 17, p. 1 from Regulation (EU) 596/2014 we inform you the following:                                   

“BULGARIAN REAL ESTATE FUND” REIT has signed investment loan agreement with Eurobank Bulgaria AD to the amount of BGN 41,000,000, which shall be utilized on tranches and for the purpose of financing of the construction works of the office building in Sofia, Sofia Tech Park area. The term of the Loan agreement is until November 2029 with grace period for the principal until March 2022. The interest due on the loan is PRIME Business Clients plus 1.4% at the time of utilization and 1.05% after that, but in total not less than 2.4% at the time of utilization and 2.05% after that.

- Notification 
