2024 — BREF — Page 2

Notification New Lease Agreement in Synergy Tower

September 16, 2024

BULGARIAN REAL ESTATE FUND REIT has signed an annex to the agreement with the Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology (INSAIT) at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”  for lease of additional 1 322.40 sqm office space in Synergy Tower in Sofia Tech Park. The lease term under the contract is 5 years. With the newly […]


Notification New Lease Agreement in Synergy Tower

September 11, 2024

BULGARIAN REAL ESTATE FUND REIT has signed an annex to the agreement with BIANOR HOLDING AD for lease of additional 629.03 sqm office space in Synergy Tower in Sofia Tech Park, whereby Wiser Technology will occupy the entire space on the 15th floor of the office building.  The lease term under the contract is 5 […]

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